For this project, I was assigned the task of designing a 30+ page booklet, with a cover, that would be ready for print.

This book is a special edition of the magazine warmwinter. This is a book about the 3 stages of love: beginning, middle and end. This booklet is inspired by the book This Modern love by Will Darbyshire, a 24-year-old YouTube content creator based in the UK. 
Design problems: The concept of this booklet is to layout 3 different stages of love and to have feelings and stories written down for each of the stages. And hopefully the readers will be able to relate to the experience. Since the booklet has a minimalistic style, the reader can write down their experience if they ever so desire to do so.
Target audience: Millennials (teens to young adults) 
People who are obsessed with the idea of love as much as I do.
People who are in love, out of love and anywhere in between.
Design Solutions: 
Style: minimalistic/modern
This style of layout is popular among millennials  
Colour scheme: red, black, white. Red symbolizes love and attraction. I used colour blocks along with white blank space to keep the entirety of the layout balanced. 
Photos: I chose mainly abstract black and white and some red colorized photos to make the essence of the booklet emotionally driven and poetic. The purpose of this is to evoke emotional response from the reader.
Applied design principles: 

Freight big pro: cover, title (all lower case)
Proxima nova: thin/light for body copy and regular for subtitles 
Goudy old style: pull quotes and the title of preface.
Kept the typography simple and consistent throughout the book

Layout: I kept it pretty consistent across the different sections. Each section consists of one section page, 2-3 subsections, pull quote page with red background.  
Design, Photo manipulation: Lizzie Li
Copy and Original Photographs:  Will Darbyshire This Modern Love
Cover Photo: Eric Lai 

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